Devil’s Peak, written and created for television by Matthew Orton, has begun filming in Cape Town. The five-part crime thriller series, which stars a cast of celebrated South African actors, is produced by Lookout Point and Expanded Media Productions for BBC Studios and MultiChoice Studios.
Based on Deon Meyer’s acclaimed 2004 bestseller, which is the first in the series of novels centered on Detective Benny Griessel, Devil’s Peak is a multi-layered crime thriller set within one of the most beautiful yet divided cities on earth: Cape Town.
It follows talented but broken Detective Benny Griessel, tasked with tracking down a righteous vigilante killer whose crimes are capturing the imagination of the city. Benny is played by Hilton Pelser (Moffie, Glasshouse, Kissing Booth). Meanwhile award-winning Sisanda Henna (Trackers, Rogue) plays grieving father Thobela Mpayipheli desperately seeking justice after the untimely murder of his son.
Benny and Thobela are brought into the orbit of trapped mother Christine, played by Tarryn Wyngaard (Raised By Wolves, Stam, The Watch), who is willing to do anything to achieve a better life for herself and her daughter. The fates of these three characters become inextricably linked as the series builds to its explosive climax. Combining gripping tension with uncompromising authenticity, Devil’s Peak offers an original South African take on the investigative thriller for today.